The Zoe Report is a Fun, Fashionable Blog

There are so many really great Fashion Web Pages and Blogs out there.  Recently I have been paying a lot of them a visit.  No big surprise here I mean who doesn’t right?  There are some Fashion Blogs that come to my mind as being very slick, imaginative, engaging, consistent, and most importantly worth reading or at least looking at the pictures.  Some are innovative, some not so much but all of them have a common thread. Fashion.  One blog which  I receive updates from every day comes from a great Fashion Blogger Rachel Zoe who puts out the Zoe Report, a definite dont miss.  Why not check it out and if you like what you see sign up with her on Twitter she is totally cool and her blog has all of the attributes I mentioned earlier: Consistently Hi Quality.  Enjoy it.  Note: (This is not a paid endorsement it is presented for entertainment value only and is not an advertisement for any of its content.   Shopping Mall Life has received no compensation for this blog post)

                             Click the picture to visit The Zoe Report

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