Wear A FashionTee Shirt from Love.Care.Japan. HelpThe Quake Victims of Japan

If you have been looking for a way to help the quake victims of Japan, and want to donate around 15 dollars there is an organization called Love.Care.Japan that have an idea for you. You can help the people of Japan devastated by the tragic Earth Quake and Tsunami by wearing a fashion tee shirt from this caring organization.  They are making sure that 100% of the proceeds are going to the Red Cross. So you benefit by looking fashionable in these classy tee shirts and show how much you care about the people of Japan who have faced a tremendous setback.  Take a look at what Love.Care.Japan is doing to aid the people who are really in need at their website http://www.shopmulteepurpose.com/Japan-
Quake_c_180.html    Shopping-Mall-Life appreciates the commitment of the artists and designers who have created this organization to really make a difference.   Shopping-Mall- Life is not in any way affiliated with Love. Care.Japan or any of it’s related companies or enterprises.  The photographs are from their website for information purposes only and are used to assist them with their effort to promote assistance for the earthquake victims of Japan. We are not receiving any compensation for this article and are not in any way confirming or denying the credibility of the organization.  We believe from what we see that it is a genuine and good organization and cause. Act responsibly and help the people if you so decide. Thank you.

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