“Bigger is Better”

After careful review and study for over a decade,  I have determined that the automobile industry has made the "design mistake of the century" by introducing new sports cars that are way too small!   Not just in the engine compartment either, but the whole damn car. The most notable example of this unfortunate design flaw is the amazingly popular current series of Fastback Mustangs. Did someone at Ford really believe that the classic Mustang worthy of recreating was the Mustang II?  Did they forget the beautiful 1969 and 1970 mustangs in all their beautiful size and glory!?  Oh sure the new ones look a lot like the 1969 era mustangs.  They just ripped off the basic body style thats all. There’s just one big problem. They are not big enough!  They are way too small inside and out and that’s all there is to it.  I was about to write a leter to Ford Motors 3 years ago to make the suggestion that they make a special 40th anniversary edition of the 1969 mustang and make it the original size too. Not knowing any one at Ford I knew my Better Idea would wind up in the wastebasket, and the well paid engineers over there who obliviously(intentional misspel-Ed) know better!  As I found out some time ago when I suggested a life saving device to Ford. They like to throw inventors and outside designers into the paper mill. They want you to  of fill out paperwork and then proceed to ignored you completely.  < here she is the 2008 Stang Cute but Small
Obviously Ford doest care what any one else in the world thinks unless they are on their payroll, and it shows in the end result of these wimpy small new cars.  
Another perfect example of this type of drawing board mistake is the the latest Lotus Elisehttp://www.autoclub.com.au/archive/2005_11_01_archive.html   http://www.carsandtuning.org/lotus-news/lotus-elise_9jpg/   http://www.autoclub.com.au/2007/11/lotus-elise-s-40th-anniversary.html     What an amazingly cool car it would be if it was the same size as a 308 ?Ferrari, Huh?  But as a scrunched up little toy, with a super-hi price tag… Pass. Thank you very much! 
But thats not all! Another car that would have been great if….  Is the Toyota MR2.  Toyota MR2 We all know that the 2 in MR2 stands for 2 small!   If they had made this car the size of a Supra it would have kept the Supra marque alive for a long time! Instead as you may of noticed there is no more Supra.  I guess all of this size stuff depends on your perspective, doesnt it? If your 5 feet tall these cars appear to be giants!  Hmm  it says a lot about who decides what is best for the larger American customer doesn’t it?   The era of the great big sports car has dissapeared. Many blame the high price of gas, but really if you own a Maserati Ghibli  which is as long as a pick up truck you dont care about paying 2-3 dolars extra for the gas.  Or how about some othe rbig classics like the Ferrai 308GTS, or the Lamborghini Countach or the Chevrolet Corvette. Didn;t make that one smaller did they?  Ok I am done ranting . If you are happy with those toy sized sports cars than have fun. For me the companies have missed theboat, (by not making sports cars as big as a boat!) With nothing else left to choose from,  maybe I will buy a Vette after all?  
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