Shopping in Newport Beach California

Every year an organization I belong to sends 10 women out to Fashion Island (see pictures at the bottom) for an all day shopping trip. Each fortunate woman gets a 1000 dollars cash and is instructed to spend it by the time the day ends. The only irony of this is that all of the women  are rich anyway and none of them really needs the 1000 dollars. But to see them run around the mall like this was all the money they had in the world was a real treat.   It is a trait of many super successful people to be able to forget about who they are and just live in the moment.  Of the women who participate in this event almost all of them spend the whole 1000 dollars. Some buy one item and give the rest to charity. And one or 2 buy an item or 2 and keep the change.  I think I would probably buy 1 cheap item for 100 bucks and pocket the 900, but then I am far from the rich or elite.  What does this event really mean?  I think it is a way of rewarding sales performance for the organization they belong to. On a slightly deeper level It is a way of saying that shoppers are all alike. We want value and we want excitement and we like to get out and do something that is rewarding and fun.  Has anyone ever given you a lot of money to buy whatever you wanted? I would like to hear what happened? 
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