What turns you on when you shop?

What turns you on while you are shopping?  Do you look at the people around you or do you just merrily shop oblivious to all that surrounds you? 

  I would answer this with a little of each. I mean we are only human right. I see a delicious outfit and then see the reaction of people as you wear it and ladies you know exactly how it feels to have hundreds of women eyeing your clothes.  It is empowering and a a feeling that is hard to describe except exhillerating. I believe in the power of possibilities.  I only go to the mall with a purpose and then get out after eating a couple chocolate chipcookies and a Mocha cappucino.  What I love at a shopping mall is all the expensive things I want but cant afford to buy.   I can just luxuriate  mmyself(pleasure)trying on 100 dollar a bottle perfume, and slapping on lotions that are imported from Paris.    I never buy anything I just try different products out After a while I get tired of shopping and sit on the bench for awhile.  I need to allow myself time to stop and see what is going on.  It is soothing to me because I know there is no chance of getting any of the things I  was looking at.  I start to drift off into a world of  passionate hopefulness.  It is a secret world I am sure no one would dare reveal. The innocence of wanting to be free to say what you think in field trapped in the prison of reality. And this prison is the mall, and the limit you have on your credit card.  I look at it as more than a necessary evil. I love to be around the things I love at the mall.       Do you Pleasure Yourself Often??  Let me know how.

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