Today I will shop for new pants.

That’s right today I will go shopping for pants.  I like nice roomy pants with a zipper that is metal. I dont trust the nylon zippers that can break when you eat a big meal. I am very thin and attractive so this has never happened of course.  I usually try on about 5-6 pairs of pants before buying one. I have a tendency to go with dark colors or khaki. The stores I shop at for Pant’s include Sears, K-Mart and Wal-Mart. These stores are like zoos  I am always getting p.o.d at these places because the people are rude or slow and the selection stinks.  I have many times told someone to bite me I guess I should explain I have been in a really rotten mood lately.  It seems everyone has it against me so I would invite you to send any type of encouragement. I dont mean that literally but whatever you feel is appropriate.. How do you feel about pants shopping or do you wear any?
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